Ariel Berger

Emanuel School



White earthenware clay and glaze

My body of work, A Family Lunch, is a playful way to address the cyclical nature of human life. These colourful ceramic pieces represent the endless ebb and flow of life. I chose clay sculpture as a medium as it gave me the opportunity to mould many varying forms, and I was able to use a range of glazes to differentiate the pieces from each other and each life stage. The circular presentation is reminiscent of the twelve positions of the hands of a clock, referring to the endless nature of time as family members are born, grow and die.

My artmaking practice has been influenced by the study and interpretation of the artist Lynda Draper.

Marker's Commentary

Defying the solid forms of traditional clay busts, this series skilfully uses coil construction to create linear forms enclosing voids to create each abstracted portrait bust. The work uses sculptural forms that are reminiscent of the work of contemporary ceramic artists such as Lynda Draper or Jenny Orchard. Using the clock-face installation form strengthens further the generational concept and shows a strong understanding of contemporary ceramic practices. Each family member is portrayed with a limited selection of quirky and playful features that are placed expressively on each bust and highlighted with strong glazed colour. The coil forms are supported with on a torso like form that further suggest individual body forms or personal symbols. There are knowledgeable choices of glazes and colour application of colour and glazes including the use of crackle glaze on the bone like forms delineating each head.