Matilda Alys O'Sullivan

Loreto Kirribilli




Architecture transcends time by accumulating chronicles of memories and emotional connections. My body of work explores our permanent connection to the mystery of experiences in everyday spaces that were once possessed with life. The photographs use bursts of light and colour to express these aged architectural forms being brought back into existence, while the book narrates their role, who they housed and what they've seen. My intent is for my work to comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable, as I express the permanence of the departed through energy and activity.

My artmaking practice has been influenced by the study and interpretation of the following artists: Mark Rothko, James Turrell.

Marker's Commentary

Study of Hermeneutics (Dwellings) presents a captivating body of work that beckons the audience to delve into an introspective dialogue with the visual narrative, encouraging personal interpretation. The accompanying book serves as a conduit for visual comprehension, allowing the audience to behold the essence of the depicted dwellings in their raw authenticity. By juxtaposing the book with the ethereal presence of nine large images, a profound dichotomy is established, grounding the audience in reality while immersing them in a realm of cinematic, enigmatic and spectral impressions. The series showcases an impeccable mastery of photographic technique, skilfully utilising vibrant bursts of colour to render abstracted imagery that captivates and intrigues. Through the interplay of past and present, the collection evokes an emotional resonance, forging a profound connection between the audience and their own recollections of vacant abodes from bygone eras. In its entirety, this body of work stands as a testament to technical excellence with decisive camera control serving as a reinterpretation of the language of photography and offering an exploration of abstraction.