2020 > Expressive Forms > Time-Based Forms

Time-Based Forms

Time-Based Forms

An individual work or series of works with a focus on time-based forms. This expressive form includes film and video, digital animation and/or interactives (Visual Arts Stage 6 Syllabus).

In 2019, students submitting a Body of Work in this expressive form revealed explorations of a range of approaches and techniques to inform time-based practice including narrative, thriller, conceptual, documentary, bio-doc, montage and music video genres. Through an engagement in social media, current technology and contemporary issues to create critical narratives and montages, parallel and non-linear narratives were created which provided conceptual complexity to many submissions. Such processes included a variety of animations from hand-drawn illustrations to computer graphics and stop motion, to explore complex and compelling narratives, demonstrating a sophisticated understanding of cinematic techniques. An initial development of pre-production plans and scripts to optimise characterisation and extend the conceptual and technical approach of their submissions enabled multi-layered soundtracks, sound effects and soundscapes to enhance visual imagery and pace the unfolding narrative. In the same way, application of effective post-production techniques through sophisticated digital software programs assisted with editing narratives and constructing soundscapes. The concepts were shaped by themes exploring mental health, identity, family, the environment and the influence and impact of social media and technologies.
