Software and Hardware requirements

This website requires a modern and up to date browser. Chrome and Firefox are our suggested browsers for best experience although recent Edge and Safari browsers are also supported. Internet Explorer is NOT supported.

The VR components are graphics intensive experiences and performance will be directly impacted by the graphics capabilities of the device. Older computers and mobile devices may not function in all areas of the site. Performance can be increased by closing other applications and closing other browser windows and tabs.

All of the virtual components have been delivered with a HIGH quality and STANDARD quality (default) option. This is controlled using the cog icon bottom left of screen when in the virtual space.

Any recent VR headset can be used. Google Cardboard style viewers that use a mobile phone will need a high-end high-spec device inside.

Internet and bandwidth requirements

To deliver high quality and immersive experiences, this site uses significant bandwidth. We do recommend a good broadband internet connection. We have endeavored to design the site to be as low bandwidth capable as possible but the end user should monitor their data usage, especially on mobile plans.

Website structure

Website Tutorial Video - 3'22"

On the website, all 54 Bodies of Work are presented with their own page, a plaque, complete work layout and select individual components presented separately. There are also Marker's commentaries for all works and video interviews for some works. These can be discovered through the pages for each expressive form, through the theme pages or through the main Bodies of Work page which contains all 54 works.

Explore feature

Explore Feature Video - 5'18"

To enter Explore mode, select the explore button in the menu bar. The Explore mode has been developed to allow easy filtering of all the works across the years of ARTEXPRESS Virtual in one place.

Navigating the virtual gallery

Virtual Gallery Tutorial Video - 6'57"

To enter the main gallery, either select the gallery button on the homepage or select ENTER VR from the main menu on any page. The gallery has the bodies of work grouped by curatorial theme.

When you select a body of work in the main gallery, you will be transported the individual room for that work. In the room, there are buttons on the rear of the left and right walls to go directly to the next work, return to the gallery or return to the website page for that work. There is also a plaque on the wall that can be read by selecting it.

The VR components are delivered in a unified way to enable use in both a browser AND VR headsets.

Browser based virtual gallery controls

Function Mouse Keyboard Touch
Move around the scene Double click on ground

Scroll wheel - forward | back

Right click and drag - left | right

Control + Right click and drag - forward | back
W A S D (hold shift to double speed) Double tap on ground

Two finger pinch - forward | back

Two finger drag - left | right
Rotate the camera Left click and drag Arrow keys One finger drag
Elevate camera up | down Right click and drag - up | down Q E keys - R key resets to default Two finger drag - up | down
Select work | button Left click Centre reticule* on item and press return key Single tap

* When using keyboard controls, a reticule point will appear in the centre of view. It will disappear when using a mouse.

VR headset virtual gallery controls

If you view the website through a capable headset, you can select the VR button located at the bottom right corner of the gallery page.

Function Headset WITH controller Headset WITHOUT controller
Move around the scene Point controller at ground. A blue circle will appear. Pull trigger to teleport. Look at hotspots. After 3 seconds, you will teleport to that location.
Select work | button Point controller at work. Orange outline will appear. Pull trigger to select. Look at work. Orange outline will appear. Wait 3 seconds to select.
Rotate your position Look around! Also use joystick left | right to rotate orientation. Look around!
Elevate camera up | down N/A Joystick forward | back

For individual work components accessed from the individual art work web pages, there are separate controls for 2D and 3D components.

2D component viewer controls

2D components of artworks are delivered in a deep zoom viewer.

Function Mouse Keyboard Touch
Zoom in and out Scroll wheel - = keys Two finger pinch
Move around the work Left click and drag W A S D keys or arrow keys One finger drag
Return to default Click home icon 0 key Tap home icon

You can also use the small map located top right to jump to a specific point of the work or quickly move around.

3D component viewer controls

3D components of artworks are delivered using the Pedestal 3D platform.

Function Mouse Keyboard Touch
Zoom in and out Scroll wheel - = keys Two finger pinch
Rotate the camera Left click and drag Arrow keys One finger drag
Pan the camera Right click and drag W A S D keys Two finger drag
Centre view on point Double click on point N/A Double tap on point