Violet Eddy

St Scholastica's College Glebe Point



Blue Ballpoint pen on paper

Blue-Collared represents a variety of standard working men. Using an average blue biro pen, which is used on a daily basis by many different workers, my intention was for the simplicity of the medium to allow the audience to empathise with the regular working class.

My artmaking practice has been influenced by the study and interpretation of the following artists: Joan Londõno

Marker's Commentary

Blue-Collared is a highly engaging and accomplished series of monochromatic portrait drawings. Completely rendered in blue pen, the drawings convey sophisticated detail to show an exceptionally high level of mark making, sensitivity, assuredness and skill. Following in the conventions of portraiture and bordering on realism and the caricature style, the power of the gaze captures the audience and reveals the character within. The five elderly men are depicted with warmth and an engaging manner. The body of work has alluded to their working life and captured their whimsical and playful personality through the elaborated facial features, further conveying their personal story.