Annada Suryantoko

Bankstown Girls High School


Graphic Design

Clip Studio Pant, Huion Kamvas 16 graphic pen

In A Child's Paradigm, the characters and world that I created represent my own opinions and perspectives on the fragility of childlike innocence in a world of adult wars. 'Childlike innocence' is something deeply valuable to me, yet it is a battered concept. Using two parallel storylines in my body of work, I contrast the two characters' worlds to engage the audience in details and emotion, and in this way to build a new story in every individual. This work goes beyond my visual choices, and has become a mirror of the child in me.

My artmaking practice has been influenced by the study and interpretation of the following artists: E ve, mocha, REDUM4, Yoneyama Mai, Emily Xu (emilyamiao).

Marker's Commentary

A Child’s Paradigm explores a vision of the world through the reflective lens of a child and youthful innocence. The narrative showcases bold graphic imagery throughout the multiple works, as a series of storytelling journeys. Complications and challenges within the conceptual representation of the contemporary, adult world viewpoints are subtly handled throughout the very consistent digital practice. The graphics confidently showcase the skilled digital drawing practice, inspired by the illustrative qualities of anime. The distinctive characters engage the audience, contemplating wonder in the worlds they are traversing. The body of work is consistent in the stylistic application of coloured graphics; bright and muted, dynamic compositions with vibrancy and energy, reinforcing the knowledgeable aesthetics of anime and contemporary illustration. Metaphors for escapism and reflections from the modern world encourage the audience to contemplate their place in society as they follow the distinctive charm of the characters.