Elizabeth May Vilcins

Muirfield High School


Graphic Design

Digital print on watercolour paper

My body of work investigates humanity's ever-changing imagination. As we grow older our imagination changes to understand that which we don't understand and express that which we feel. My work represents the characters I drew at different stages of my life, communicating my ever-evolving perspective. Some of these characters overlap, some exist on their own but they have never disappeared and I have never left them behind. They simply grew alongside me.

My artmaking practice has been influenced by the study and interpretation of the following artists: Lauren Faust, Jhonen Vasquez, Hayao Miyazaki.

Marker's Commentary

They Grew Alongside Me depicts a journey of artistic self-discovery in a sophisticated graphic manga style. Deft use of compositional devices in a panoramic tableau draws the viewer’s eye left to right and emphasises the growth, development and journey of self through undulating character height, width and bold, vibrant use of colour. The main character begins depicted in white, with a single black outline, in stark contrast to the colourful world surrounding them. Possessing elements of whimsy, wonder and fantasy the work reveals the embodiment of creativity. The refined drawing practice accompanies the main character through each phase of the panorama, amongst the complex array of characters and personalities.

The final section of the work reestablishes the main subject in the world of the now, in full colour, drawing at their desk surrounded by the images and characters that have influenced their creative process. The artist has made considered choices in presenting a simplified background to ensure focus on the action in the foreground. The creative journey utilises simplified colour for emphasis and ends in full colour. The artist’s refined choices in material practice mirrors the conceptual layers of meaning presented throughout the graphic design work.