Aubany Seaton

Lisarow High School



Oil on wood and paper

Gazing. Watching. Wondering. I wonder who you see when you look at me? Or who you can see in yourself. Through These Windows is a personal and emotional representation of self-discovery, an investigation that gave me the strength and the courage to reach out, reminding me of just how much love and support there is surrounding me. My body of work communicates, through the eyes, the souls of my closest friends and family, who I was, who I am and who I might be.

My artmaking practice has been influenced by the study and interpretation of the following artist: Emilio Villalva

Marker's Commentary

Through these windows showcases the curiosity associated with looking. A series of twenty-five eyes is scattered around the dominant central panel, surrealistically composed with multiple eyes peering outwards from the large central eye. Viewers are invited to consider conventions associated with the ‘gaze’. The eyes question the emotions associated with the subjects behind each frame. The paintwork is utterly convincing, rendering the details and heightened realism with precision. Individually, each eye hints emotionally at the character – we the audience are observers, yet the eyes are observing us, never passive. The body of work successfully highlights that these relationships are the connections between individuals occurring daily and are always conscious of the presence of this communication. The intricacy of the brushwork amplifies the ‘gaze’, the resolution and clarity of and around the eyes, displays evidence of a most informed painting practice.