Jax MacMillan

St George Christian School



Acrylic, acrylic aerosol on canvas

Driving the production of my body of work was an interest in the definition of masculinity, asking questions like 'What makes a man a man?' Today's generation is experiencing an unprecedented fluidity in gender identity, which has led to my examination of traditional images of manhood. These have typically revolved around stoicism, endurance and the inability to display 'weak' emotions. In my work I link this idea of stoicism to the Australian landscape that through floods and fires endures.

My artmaking practice has been influenced by the study and interpretation of the following artists: Frederick McCubbin, Jenny Saville, Fred Williams, Daniel Richter.

Artist Interview

Marker's Commentary

The theme of male identity is explored in Birthing masculinity from the earth along with the expectations of society placed upon men. The harsh Australian landscape with the radiant tertiary palette becomes a metaphor for this portrayal of masculinity. There is an unforgiving honesty and vulnerability depicted in the figurative and portrait portrayals throughout the three vibrant panels. The painting practice showcases rich, expressive brushwork, not overworked, and balanced areas of careful restraint.

This body of work is reminiscent of the practice of Jenny Saville, echoing her expressive and incisive application of brushwork. The layered brushwork is broken up in dabs and graffiti-like swirls which add the feeling of imperfection seen in the representation of the male sitting in the central panel. The dominant portrait on the left panel is cleverly balanced by the seated figure and the spaciousness within the landscape of the right-hand panel. The three works easily stand alone, informed and confident, while together, appearing serene and poignant.