Kaylee Kaczmarczyk

Henry Kendall High School



Digital Art

My body of work is deeply influenced by Salvador Dali's use of dream time and unsettling imagery. I use my work to express my emotions and viewpoints on the world that surrounds me. Each day presents its unique challenges as I navigate life's struggles. My dyslexia adds an extra layer of difficulty, making my mind work three times harder than that of an average person. In my work, my intention is to shed light on the difficulties I face, especially in seemingly simple tasks like writing and reading, which others often take for granted.

My artmaking practice has been influenced by the study and interpretation of the following artists: Salvador Dali, Laura H Rubin.

Marker's Commentary

Unveiling the Mind’s Maze is a masterful photographic series of four constructed images exploring the internal spaces of the mind. Utilising a Surrealist trope of juxtaposed images and ideas, the student explores the notion of self portraiture revealing hidden experiences of the mind through emotive Daliesque images. The work skilfully combines multiple images using sophisticated digital photographic editing techniques.

Each photographic portrait in the series employs dramatic light and is reminiscent of Picasso’s distorted portrait paintings, with multiple elements of the face on display to the audience’s fixed viewpoint. Hands interact with facial elements providing points of tension, pushing together, breaking apart and hanging from puppet strings. Throughout the series, the use of centralised composition balances the subject matter against backgrounds formed from landscapes of textured elements showing surfaces both natural and synthetic. These backgrounds echo Magritte’s interiors and showcase the student’s understanding of Surrealist approaches to artmaking with a sophisticated understanding of digital postproduction.