Joshua Abdilla

St Paul's Catholic College



180 gsm paper

Our world of rapid change and constant motion has fundamentally altered our experience of time. We often perceive this dynamism as a blur of motion. My intention in my body of work is to represent these moments of flux, offering the audience a contemplative space in which to reflect on the transient nature of existence. I used long exposure techniques so the movement of feet manifests as streaks of light and shadow. Each image represents a unique moment in time, a step in someone's journey, and a different aspect of our interconnectedness with the world.

My artmaking practice has been influenced by the study and interpretation of the following artists: Nick Fancher, A window to the soul; Long exposures of ballet dancers series; Giacomo Balla, Dynamism of a Dog on a Leash; Gerhard Richter.

Marker's Commentary

This body of work extends the boundaries of photography by presenting blurred photographs as signifiers of the metaphysical found in the everyday. By transforming ordinary scenes into contemplative experiences, the body of work demonstrates photography's ability to uncover the sublime in suburban streets. It offers a personal perception of time, reality, and existence, revealing how the profound can be discovered in the most prosaic spaces. There is an astute use of photographic techniques, such as long shutter speeds, radial blur filter and muted colours, to create a dreamlike quality that blurs the distinction between past and present, reality and illusion.

The amalgamation of camera angles with composited images in a scroll-like format generates a unique viewpoint, seemingly exploring deeper philosophical questions and presenting the world in an uncanny manner. The panoramic composition of this submission reflects a sophisticated understanding of scale and movement in the reception of the photographic image. In a masterful manner, the temporality of life is quietly yet dynamically captured and seamlessly woven into an innovative pictorial experience.