Caroline Soliman

Bethlehem College



Crochet & Digital Manipulation

My body of work, Endless, represents the paradox of modern existence, where people often find themselves going through the motions, merely treading water and not truly living. It explores the universal struggle that many individuals face - the endeavour to break free from the cycle of life, and the relentless pursuit of meaning amidst the daily routine. In my work I share my own process of self-discovery and how I found meaning in the small, unexpected moments of life. I learnt to appreciate living in the present and broke free from the cycle, finding joy in the simplicity of life.

My artmaking practice has been influenced by the study and interpretation of the following artist: Ernesto Neto

Marker's Commentary

Endless is a body of work showcasing a collection of soft sculptures, representing the mundane nature of daily chores and the pursuit of breaking free from them. Ironically, these playful sculptures are crocheted; a repetitive monotonous motion, that cleverly reinforces the concept of this work. Each of the crocheted forms are carefully and realistically constructed, using colour effectively to represent furniture, a Combi Van, buildings, bedrooms and bathrooms. Each intricate surface is patterned appropriately, familiar and engaging to an audience with observations of home. The crocheted person in the middle is intrinsically chained to and surrounded by the cycle of chores. This delightful and humorous work reminds us of dolls house furniture and childhood play with domesticity, which inevitably becomes an endless stereotypical cycle of life.

The exquisite material practice and meticulous beauty in the controlled and capable use of this media is evident in each personal item represented, connecting past and present memories. This body of work consists of subtle layers in the pursuit of finding meaning in life, making precious objects in the present sparked joy.